



邱春雷,男,教授、博士生導(dǎo)師。于2010年獲得英國伯明翰大學(xué)冶金與材料學(xué)院博士學(xué)位。2011~2016年在伯明翰大學(xué)從事研究員工作。2016~2017年任職于英國卡迪夫大學(xué)工程學(xué)院助理教授。過去十余年主要從事先進(jìn)近凈成形技術(shù)研究,包括激光增材制造及熱等靜壓近凈成形技術(shù)。在鈦合金、高溫合 金、鋁合金、高熵合金、鈦鋁合金、Invar合金、不銹鋼、難熔金屬等的激光增材制造成形性、激光材料交互作用、凝固行為、缺陷形成機(jī)理、微觀結(jié)構(gòu)演變規(guī)律及力學(xué)行為等方面開展了大量研究工作。突破了大型航空鈦合金結(jié)構(gòu)件 激光增材制造應(yīng)力變形和缺陷控制,成功制備出多個(gè)大型航空部件和結(jié)構(gòu)件, 突破多種難成形高性能鋁合金和高熵合金的增材制造成形,開發(fā)出多種新型高強(qiáng)高塑鈦合金、鋁合金和高熵合金。曾作為項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人承擔(dān)了國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計(jì)劃項(xiàng)目等。在Acta Materialia, Additive Manufacturing等期刊上發(fā)表50多篇SCI論文,他引3500多次,H因子26,擁有美國發(fā)明專利1項(xiàng),英國發(fā)明專利1項(xiàng),中國發(fā)明專利6項(xiàng)。

Ø 主講課程:


Ø 研究方向:





Ø 教學(xué)科研成果:



(2)邱春雷,一種原位合成納米氧化物顆粒彌散強(qiáng)化合金的方法, 中國發(fā)明專利,專利號:ZL201811243447.6,申請日期:2018.10.24,授權(quán)日期:2020.12.15




(6)邱春雷,王志超,許瓏?yán)_,一種抑制增材制造鋁合金裂紋形成并促進(jìn)晶粒細(xì)化的方法, 中國發(fā)明專利,申請?zhí)枺?02111567671.2,申請日期:2021.12.21

(7)Christopher Smith, Chunlei Qiu, Moataz M.M. Attallah, Stefan Simeonov Dimov, Method of Remanufacturing a Cylinder Head, JUSTIA patent(美國專利), publication number 20180178327, 2018.

(8)Christopher Smith, Chunlei Qiu, Moataz M.M. Attallah, Stefan Simeonov Dimov, Khamis Essa, Method of Remanufacturing a Cylinder Head, UK Patent (英國專利),publication number GB2558274, 2018.


[1] Y.J. Liu, L.B. Xu, C.L. Qiu*. Development of an additively manufactured metastable beta titanium alloy with a fully equiaxed grain structure and ultrahigh yield strength. Additive Manufacturing, 60 (2022) 103208.

[2] Z.C. Wang, X.T. Wang, X. Chen, C.L. Qiu*. Complete columnar-to-equiaxed transition and significant grain refinement in an aluminium alloy by adding Nb particles through laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 51 (2022) 102615.

[3] X. Chen, C.L. Qiu*. Development of a novel metastable beta titanium alloy with ultrahigh yield strength and good ductility based on laser power bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 49 (2022) 102501.

[4] X.Y. Pan, C.L. Qiu*. Promoting columnar-to-equiaxed transition in AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy during selective laser melting by adding Cr3C2, Materials Research Letters 10 (2022) 788–796.

[5] X.Y. Pan, C.L. Jia, C.L. Qiu*. On the stress rupture behaviour and deformation mechanism of an advanced hot-extruded nickel-based superalloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 926 (2022) 166804.

[6] X.T. Wang, F.J. Qu, C.L. Qiu, On the Microstructural Evolution and Cracking Behavior of a Titanium Aluminide Alloy During Selective Laser Melting. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 00 (2023) 00.

[7] X.Y. Pan, C.L. Jia, Z.Y. Ji, C.L. Qiu*. Microstructural evolution and dynamic recrystallization mechanism of a heavily-alloyed nickel-based superalloy during hot extrusion. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023, in press.

[8] H.H. Liu, X.Y. Pan, P.Y. Sun, Y.J. Liu, C.L. Qiu*. Influence of Addition of Ti Particles and Processing Condition on Microstructure and Properties of Selectively Laser-Melted Invar 36 Alloy. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing00 (2022) 00.

[9] X.Y. Pan, C.L. Qiu*. Influence of quasi-crystal particles and processing condition on microstructure and tensile properties of a selective laser melted high entropy alloy. Vacuum 205 (2022) 111480.

[10] X.T. Wang, X.Y. Pan, P.Y. Sun, C.L. Qiu*. Significant enhancement in tensile strength and work hardening rate in CoCrFeMnNi by adding TiAl particles via selective laser melting. Materials Science & Engineering A 831 (2022) 142285.

[11] C.L. Qiu*, Y.J. Liu, H.H. Liu. Influence of addition of TiAl particles on microstructural and mechanical property development in Invar 36 processed by laser powder bed fusion. Additive Manufacturing 48 (2021) 102457.

[12] P.Y. Sun, C.L. Qiu*. Influence of addition of TiAl particles on microstructural and mechanical property development in a selectively laser melted stainless steel. Materials Science & Engineering A 826 (2021) 141925.

[13] C.L. Qiu*, Q. Liu, R.G. Ding. Significant enhancement in yield strength for a metastable beta titanium alloy by selective laser melting. Materials Science & Engineering A 816 (2021) 141291.

[14] Q. Liu, C.L. Qiu*. On the role of dynamic grain movement in deformation and mechanical anisotropy development in a selectively laser melted stainless steel. Additive Manufacturing 35 (2020) 101329.

[15] X. Chen, C.L. Qiu*. In-situ development of a sandwich microstructure with high strength and enhanced ductility by laser reheating of a laser melted titanium alloy. Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 15870.

[16] Q. Liu, C.L. Qiu*. Variant selection of a precipitation in a beta titanium alloy during selective laser melting and its influence on mechanical properties. Materials Science & Engineering A 784 (2020) 139336.

[17] G.Q. Wang, Q. Liu, H. Rao, H.C. Liu, C.L. Qiu*. Influence of porosity and microstructure on mechanical and corrosion properties of a selectively laser melted stainless steel. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 831 (2020) 154815.

[18] C.L. Qiu*. A new approach to synthesise high strength nano-oxide dispersion strengthened alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 790 (2019) 1023-1033.

[19] C.L. Qiu*, H.X. Chen, Q. Liu, S. Yue, H.M. Wang. On the solidification behaviour and cracking origin of a nickel-based superalloy during selective laser melting. Materials Characterization 148 (2019) 330–344.

[20] C.L. Qiu*, Q. Liu. Multi-scale microstructural development and mechanical properties of a selectively laser melted beta titanium alloy. Additive Manufacturing 30 (2019) 100893.

[21] C.L. Qiu*, Z. Wang, A.S. Aladawi, M.A. Kindi, I.A. Hatimi, H. Chen, L. Chen. Influence of laser processing strategy and remelting on surface structure and porosity development during selective laser melting of a metallic material. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50 (2019) 4423-4434.

[22] C.L. Qiu*, M.A. Kindi, A.S. Aladawi, I. A. Hatmi. A comprehensive study on microstructure and tensile behaviour of a selectively laser melted stainless steel. Scientific Reports 8 (2018) 7785.

[23] P.W. Liu, Y.Z. Ji, Z. Wang, C.L. Qiu, A.A. Antonysamy, L.Q. Chen, X.Y. Cui, L. Chen. Investigation on evolution mechanisms of site-specific grain structures during metal additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technologies 257 (2018) 191-202.

[24] C.L. Qiu*, N.J.E. Adkins, M.M. Attallah. Selective Laser Melting of Invar 36: Microstructure and Properties. Acta Materialia 103 (2016) 382-395.

[25] N. D’Souza, J. Kelleher, C.L. Qiu, S.Y. Zhang, S. Gardner, R. E. Jones, D. Putman, C. Panwisawas. The Role of Stress Relaxation and Creep during High Temperature Deformation in Ni-base Single Crystal Superalloys - Implications to Strain build-up during Directional Solidification. Acta Materialia 106 (2016) 322-332.

[26] C.L. Qiu*, C. Panwisawas, M. Ward, H.C. Basoalto, J.W. Brooks, M.M. Attallah. On the role of melt flow into the surface structure and porosity development during selective laser melting. Acta Materialia 96 (2015) 72-79.

[27] M.M. Attallah, L.N. Carter, C.L. Qiu, N. Read, W. Wang. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Metal ALM. Book chapter in L. Bian, ‎N. Shamsaei, ‎J. Usher (editors): Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Metal Parts: Modeling, Optimization,and Control of Mechanical Properties, 2017, CRC Press.

[28] C. Cai, B. Song, C.L. Qiu*, L. Li, P. Xue, Q.S. Wei, J. Zhou, H. Nan, H. Chen, Y.S. Shi. Hot isostatic pressing of in-situ TiB/Ti-6Al-4V composites with novel reinforcement architecture, enhanced hardness and elevated tribological properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 710 (2017) 364-374.

[29] C.L. Qiu*, N. D’Souza, J. Kelleher, C. Panwisawas. An experimental investigation into the stress and strain development of a Ni-base single crystal superalloy during cooling from solidification. Materials and Design 114 (2017) 475-483.

[30] C. Panwisawas, C.L. Qiu, M. J. Anderson, Y. Sovani, R. P. Turner, M. M. Attallah, J. W. Brooks, H. C. Basoalto. Mesoscale modelling of selective laser melting: Thermal fluid dynamics and microstructural evolution. Computational Materials Science 126 (2017) 479-490.

[31] C.L. Qiu*, A. Fones, N.J.E. Adkins, H. Hamilton, M.M. Attallah. A new approach to develop Pd modified Ti-based alloys for biomedical application. Materials and Design 109C (2016) 98-111.

[32] G.A. Ravi, C.L. Qiu*, M.M. Attallah. Microstructural control in a Ti-based alloy by changing laser processing mode and power during direct laser deposition. Materials Letters 179 (2016) 104-108.

[33] H. Hassanin, K. Essa, C.L. Qiu, A.M. Abdelhafeez, N.J.E. Adkins, M.M. Attallah. Net-shape manufacturing using hybrid selective laser melting/hot isostatic pressing. Rapid Prototyping Journal 23 (2017) 720-726.

[34] C.L. Qiu*, N.J.E. Adkins, H. Hassanin, M.M. Attallah, K. Essa. In-situ shelling via selective laser melting: modelling and microstructural characterisation. Materials and Design 87 (2015) 845-853.

[35] C.L. Qiu*, G.A. Ravi, M.M. Attallah. Microstructural Control during Direct Laser Deposition of a b-Titanium Alloy (Ti5553). Materials and Design 81 (2015) 21-30.

[36] C. Panwisawas, C.L. Qiu, Y. Sovani, J.W. Brooks, M.M. Attallah, H.C. Basoalto. On the role of thermal fluid dynamics into the evolution of porosity during selective laser melting. Scripta Materialia 105 (2015) 14-17.

[37] C.L. Qiu*, Y. Sheng, N.J.E. Adkins, M. Ward, H. Hassanin, M.M. Attallah, P.D. Lee, P.J. Withers. Influence of processing conditions on strut structure and compressive property of cellular lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering A 628 (2015) 188-197.

[38] C.L. Qiu*, G.A. Ravi, C. Dance, A. Ranson, S. Dilworth, M.M. Attallah. Fabrication of large Ti-6Al-4V structures by direct laser deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 629 (2015) 351-361.

[39] C.L. Qiu*, N.J.E. Adkins, M.M. Attallah. Microstructure and tensile properties of laser-melted and of HIPed laser-melted Ti-6Al-4V. Materials Science and Engineering A 578 (2013) 230-239.

[40] C.L. Qiu*, X.H. Wu. High cycle fatigue and fracture behaviour of a hot isostatically pressed nickel-based superalloy. Philosophical Magazine 94 (2013) 242-264.

[41] C.L. Qiu*, X.H. Wu, J.F. Mei, P. Andrews, W. Voice. Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of a hot isostatically pressed nickel-based superalloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 578 (2013) 454-464.

[42] Z.W. Wu, C.L. Qiu, V. Venkatesh, H. Fraser, R. Williams, G.B. Viswanathan, M. Thomas, S. Nag, R. Banerjee, M.H. Loretto. The Influence of Precipitation of Alpha2 on Properties and Microstructure in TIMETAL 6-4. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44 (2013) 1706-1713.

[43] C.L. Qiu*, P. Andrews. On the formation of irregular-shaped gamma prime and serrated grain boundaries in a nickel-based superalloy during continuous cooling. Materials Characterization 76 (2013) 28-34.

[44] C.L. Qiu*, M.M. Attallah, X.H. Wu, P. Andrews. Influence of hot isostatic pressing temperature on microstructure and tensile properties of a nickel-based superalloy powder. Materials Science and Engineering A 564 (2013) 176-185.

[45] L. Liu, C.L. Qiu, C.Y. Huang, Y. Yu, H. Huang, S.M. Zhang. Biocompatibility of Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glasses. Intermetallics. 17 (2009) 235–240.

[46] L. Liu, C.L. Qiu*, Q. Chen, K.C. Chan, S.M. Zhang. Deformation behaviour, corrosion resistance, and cytotoxicity of Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glasses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A. 86 (2008) 1160-1169.

[47] L. Liu, K.C. Chan, C.L. Qiu, Q. Chen. Formation and biocompatibility of Ni-Free Zr60Nb5Cu20Fe5Al10 bulk metallic glass. Materials Transactions. 48 (2007) 1879-1882.

[48] L. Liu, C.L. Qiu*, M. Sun, Q. Chen, K.C. Chan, G.K.H. Pang. Improvements in the plasticity and biocompatibility of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al bulk metallic glass by the micro-alloying of Nb. Materials Science and Engineering A. 448-451 (2007) 193-197.

[49] C.L. Qiu*, Q. Chen, L. Liu, K.C. Chan, J.X. Zhou, P.P. Chen, S.M. Zhang. A novel Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glass with enhanced plasticity and good biocompatibility. Scripta Materialia, 55 (2006) 605-608.

[50] L. Liu, C.L. Qiu*, Q. Chen, S.M. Zhang. Corrosion behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses in different artificial body fluids. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 425 (2006) 268-73.

[51] L. Liu, M. Sun, Q. Chen, B. Liu, C.L. Qiu. Crystallization, mechanical and corrosion properties of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al-Nb bulk glassy alloys. Acta Physica Sinica. 55 (2006) 1930-1935.

[52] C.L. Qiu*, L. Liu, S. Min, S.M. Zhang. The effect of Nb addition on mechanical properties, corrosion behaviour, and metal-ion release of ZrAlCuNi bulk metallic glasses in artificial body fluid. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A. 75 (2005) 950-956.

[53] L. Liu, C.L. Qiu*, H. Zou. The effect of the micro-alloying of Hf on the corrosion behaviour of ZrCuNiAl bulk metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 399 (2005) 144-148.

[54] B. Liu, L. Liu, M. Sun, C.L. Qiu, Q. Chen. Influence of Cr micro-addition on the glass forming ability and corrosion resistance of Cu-based bulk metallic glasses. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 41 (2005) 738-742.


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